Shital Pandya, a girl aged just 16 years, is skating from Jamnagar in Gujarat to New Delhi, to spread the message of 'Save the Girl Child'.
Shital Pandya, a girl aged just 16 years, is skating from Jamnagar in Gujarat to New Delhi, to spread the message of 'Save the Girl Child'.
In the process, she along with her team of four members, will cover a distance of 5132 kilometres through six States.As on date, the team with Shital being the centre of attraction has already toured four States.
Interestingly, this adventurous teenager has undertaken many campaigns earlier too. And all these had been in the cause of various social issues such as cancer awareness and community hygiene.
"We are a team of four persons who have undertaken this campaign. This will conclude on May 5. The campaign is spread over six states such as Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat and Maharashtra," said Shital.
The team reached Jamnagar on the eve of International Women's Day.
Female foeticide is widespread in India. The practice, which was restricted to few states some years ago, has now spread all over the country.
Boys are traditionally preferred by parents as breadwinners and the other discouraging factor for parents of girl babies is the evil of hefty dowry being paid to the groom at the time of marrying off the daughter.