A 17-year old may have the solution to the air traveler’s diseases like colds, flu and other infections picked up on a flight.
We have been aware about the ill-effects of outdoor air pollution and have come with several measure to control it. But indoor air pollution can also cause the same effects.A teenage boy has come with a unique idea to prevent indoor air pollution in airplanes. Raymond Wang has used computer simulation to show the world just how gross air travel can be in his recent TED Talk.
‘Raymond Wang has invented a technique that would stop bacteria spreading between passengers on planes, in the hope of reducing illnesses such as flu and SARS.’
"We have this mixing airflow pattern. So if someone were to actually sneeze, that air would get swirled around multiple times before it even has a chance to go out through the filter," he said.He has developed a patent-pending system, called the Global Inlet Director that could transform a plane into a pathogen-expulsing machine overnight. The apparatus disrupts a plane's typical airflow to create "personalized breathing zones" for each passenger. The new airflow keeps germs relatively quarantined until they are filtered out.
"With this, we're able to reduce pathogen transmission by about 55 times, and increase fresh-air inhalation by about 190%," Wang said.
With his new innovation, the seventeen-year-old thinks that it will help fight respiratory diseases, SARS, Ebola, etc.
"In the past, the SARS epidemic actually cost the world about $40 billion. And in the future, a big disease outbreak could actually cost the world in excess of $3 trillion," Wang said.