
Ten Surgeries in One Day, Still She Says She’s Not Addicted

by Gopalan on Jan 21 2010 11:07 AM

Heidi Montag, a US TV star, underwent 10 cosmetic procedures in just one day in ten hours last November. But she insists she is not addicted to plastic surgery.

Heidi Montag, a US TV star, underwent ten cosmetic procedures in just one day in ten hours last November. But she asserted Tuesday that she was "not addicted" to plastic surgery while appearing on Good Morning America.

She said, "If you're addicted to something, you have to do it all the time, not once every couple years, if even."

But talking to the website Extra, she said she wouldn’t mind more of the surgery. Her chest, she said, is now a "triple D, F. I like the F. I actually want H for Heidi."

She had a mini brow lift, chin reduction, Botox in her forehead and frown area as well as fat injected into her cheeks, nasolabial folds and lips, during the November frenzy.

Afterward, she told the People publication: 'I love my body. I still feel a little fragile, but I've never felt more beautiful and sexier. I didn't know I could have this much confidence.

'I see an upgraded version of me. It's a new face and a new energy. It's a new person and I feel like almost all of the things I didn't want to be and who I turned into kind of got chiseled away. So I'm very excited for the world to see the new me and a real me.'

She admitted that in recovery 'the pain was everywhere', adding: 'My head felt like it had a jackhammer on it. I couldn't talk because of my jaw and chin... I was like, "I wanna die right now. I'm in so much pain. I don't know what to do".'

She sought to justify it all by claiming "I was made fun of when I was younger, and so I had insecurities, especially after I moved to L.A. People said I had a “Jay Leno chin”; they’d circle it on blogs and say nasty things. It bothered me…”

Heidi is no stranger to surgery - by the time she was 21, Heidi had already had a nose job, collagen lip injections, and implants that turned her A-cups into 32-Cs. After the 10/10 record, she still seems to be thirsting for more.

Montag’s recent revelation of her multiple plastic surgeries shocked many, but her surgeon Frank Ryan said: “I would never push the envelope. Heidi’s a young, healthy girl: she was cleared medically. It was well within the realm of safety.”

He denied he did too much at one time.  "I disagree," Ryan said. "These are little tweaks and things we did. ... These were all kind of small things." 

Interestingly, a website reported that a woman by name Jennifer Michael sued Dr. Ryan for malpractice and negligence in 2007 and her doctor, in a court declaration, noted that Ryan failed to examine her for five days after her surgery and did not request records from previous surgeries.

The woman also charges Ryan failed to disclose “material risks of her medical condition” and that “her injuries will result in some permanent disability…including a diminished quality of life.”

Ryan's lawyer told the website,, that the suit has been "concluded" and settled for an undisclosed amount.












