
Tennis gives protection against heart disease lifelong

Researchers at the University of Hopkins University, men who keep up playing tennis throughout life are less prone to have a heart attack than those

Researchers at the University of Hopkins University, men who keep up playing tennis throughout life are less prone to have a heart attack than those who are less active. They have been following a group of medical students at college during 1950 and 1960. They asked them about participation in tennis, golf, football, baseball and basketball. Those who reported the greatest skill in tennis were the most likely of all to still be physically active in mid-life.

The tennis group also had a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and heart attack - compared to those who did not play tennis. The study shows that significance of sport as a lifelong activity. Tennis, and to a lesser extent golf, seem to be games that people keep playing for many years compared to other sports.This might help people choose their preferred game earlier in life a sport that gives long-term advantages which is more likely the better choice.
