
‘Test on Demand’ Recommended for COVID-19 by ICMR

by Dr. Meenakshy Varier on Sep 5 2020 1:50 PM

‘Test on Demand’ Recommended for COVID-19 by ICMR
'Test on Demand' strategy has been recommended by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for COVID-19 testing. The advisory states that the testing on demand should be done for individuals who wish to get tested. Those traveling to other countries and Indian states mandate a negative test report at the point of entry.
The advisory states that "State governments to decide the simplified modalities."

ICMR'S advisory stated that no emergency procedure, including deliveries, should be delayed for lack of test.

The advisory on pregnant women states that "Pregnant women should not be referred for lack of testing facility, and all arrangements should be made to collect and transfer their samples to the testing facilities."

It states that mothers who test positive for Covid-19 infection should be encouraged to engage in frequent washing of hands before handling the infant, cleaning of breasts before feeding, and wearing masks, for fourteen days.

"They should also be advised on breast cleaning before feeding the neonate. These measures are likely to reduce transmission to their babies," the advisory said.

As per the advisory 100%, people living in the containment zones should undergo Rapid Antibody Test or RAT to prevent widespread transmission of the infection.

The advisory added, "No re-testing is recommended prior to discharge from a Covid-19 facility after clinical recovery, including for transfer from a COVID-19 area and facility to a non-infected area."

Home quarantine for 14 days is recommended for all individuals before undergoing elective surgery to minimize chances of infection


