
The Big Issue About Abdominal Fat Tissue

Fat tissue around the abdomen is an abominable sight indeed. Further, it is a crucial indicator of worse things to come.

Rothwell and colleague Chris Pemberton, actively involved in Christchurch’s cardio-endocrine research group, warn that fat around the abdomen is enemy to the heart. According to researchers, a protein produced by fat cells has an adverse effect on the heart. The effect is especially grave for patients, recovering after a heart attack.

Dr Sarah Rothwell explained that heart-attack sufferers portraying elevated levels of a protein, named, resistin, took more time to recover. The pumping action of the heart was also found to be inefficient, resulting in inadequate blood flow around the body.

Dr Sarah Rothwell said, "Our study shows the heart only recovers 68 per cent of its previous ability to contract when resistin levels are high. Normally, it would recover to about 90%, so this has major implications for survivability following a cardiac event."

Previous research has substantiated the numerous harmful proteins and hormones, released from fat tissue. Rothwell now plans to conduct additional resistin research, which so far was done only on animals, after extracting blood samples from heart attack patients.

