Jitendra, a blind himself, is publishing “Braille Newspaper”. The fortnightly paper is in high demand in different parts of the country.
The newspapers keep one posted with the latest developments around you and also the world over. The blind have to depend on someone to tell them the news. They need not do so any more, thanks to Jitendra Bhargva of Jaipur.
Jitendra, a blind himself, is publishing “Braille Newspaper”. The fortnightly paper is in high demand in different parts of the country.Working as the newspaper’s publisher and editor, Jitendra says that he is making an attempt to facilitate newspaper reading for those cannot see.
"I decided to publish the newspaper thinking there should be a newspaper for the blind too. They should not be left behind in any field. Although it was not possible printing it daily, I managed to publish it fortnightly," said Bhargava.
The newspaper, believed to be India’s first Braille newspaper, is published with a team of five. They collect useful news items from various sources including various websites and local newspaper to publish India's only Braille newspaper for the blind.
Bhargava says that it was difficult to start the newspaper. But with the passage of time, the newspaper has been receiving support. . Presently, the paper receives support from its subscribers. The newspaper also receives feedback through phone calls and letters to the editor.
The content of the newspaper keeps changing as per their readers' choice. It carries positive and informative stories instead of crime or political happenings. "We keep the blind people informed with all major developments. If there is a meeting of blind people or when a blind person has made any personal achievement we publish the stories. We have even started friendship column through which blind people get attached to each other. We even print readers’ poems and articles."
Bhargava says that there is tremendous scope for such newspapers in our country as India has very large number of blind persons who can benefit in different ways through such initiatives.