The family of 38 year old Julie McCabe, an estate agent, is devastated as they lost her last week; she was in a comatose state for nearly 13 months.
The family of 38 year old Julie McCabe, an estate agent, is devastated as they lost her last week; she was in a comatose state for nearly 13 months. It all began around October last year, when Julie, who was quite used to applying hair dye every 6 weeks, suffered a strange allergic reaction after applying the dye. She had used a home dye kit of L’Oreal Preference hair dye.
Julie’s husband said that on the day the tragedy occurred, she was rinsing her hair after the stipulated 20 minutes when she got very breathless. She was rushed to the emergency but by then she had already suffered a heart failure.
She went into coma after and had been on life support till she passed away last week. Doctors had given her only an eight percent chance of survival.
Doctors have now asked for the kit and gloves she had used in order to carry out some tests.
The family has blamed paraphenylenediamine (PPD) - a chemical present in hair dyes - for this severe allergic reaction.
Doctors have said that allergy to a hair dye can occur at any time and it is safer to do a skin test before every color.