In a statement of concern issued by a senior health official of china.
In a statement of concern issued by a senior health official of china it is supposed that China is lacking the financial and human resources needed to combat a new wave of HIV/Aids infections. The problem is more severe in southern and western regions.
"We have not been able to control it," Mr Wu a top Aids official at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention said. "If you have seen some of the worst-hit areas with your own eyes you cannot help but cry." The problem is more so because of drug addicts and sex workers. Previous reports reveal that earlier infection were due to infected blood but now, needle drug use and sex accounted for about 97 per cent of all new cases.In order to avoid the condition China has been trying to distribute condoms and set up needle exchange and methadone treatment programs in the worst affected areas. It is also trying to provide more free antiretroviral drugs.
"We have a huge task," said Mr Wu. "These two behaviors [drug use and commercial sex] are both hidden." A staggering figure of 840,000 HIV cases in the country has been provided by China which needs to update soon. However according to UNAids China might have 10m infections by 2010.