
The Secret to Live a 100 Years

by Savitha C Muppala on Jun 6 2008 7:23 PM

A new research has unlocked the secret to score a long innings of up to a 100 years by working on the ‘brain and the brawn’ in a positive way.

Good lifestyle habits and behavior have always scored high as contributors to good health. A new research has unlocked the secret to score a long innings of up to a 100 years by working on the ‘brain and the brawn’ in a positive way.

A British research has suggested that exercising, avoiding tobacco in any form and moderate drinking could extend life by 14 years.

This is also supported by another study conducted by the National Cancer Institute which found the benefits of 30 minutes of exercise for older people on most days of the week, which cut the risk of death in the succeeding seven years as compared to their sedentary counterparts.

Creativity at work and doing interesting jobs also contributed to cardiovascular health and fitness of a person, akin to a person six years younger, a recent study has shown.

Five servings of fruits and veggies a day was also considered a must for living long and healthy.

Last but not the least, feeling happy and content was crucial for longevity as found by the study conducted by the University College London. The study found that reduced levels of stress hormone cortisol, as well as C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 reduced inflammation that could trigger heart disease.

In a nutshell, living well and living long is deeply connected, and is the secret to a long innings.

