Nearly a third of kids find adults' binge drinking normal, according to a new study.
Nearly a third of kids find adults' binge drinking normal, according to a new study.
The study for the British children's health charity, Life Education, surveyed nearly 1500 children aged between nine and 11 about their perceptions of adult alcohol consumption.According to the Press Association, almost one third of children believed that drinking five or more glasses of wine in one night and more than four pints of beer was normal for adults.
National Health Service (NHS) considers as binge drinking, with more than five glasses of wine or 31/2 pints of beer a day for men, while for women, it is four glasses of wine a day.
The survey also showed that sixty per cent of the children kids believed people on television drunk too much, and about the same proportion say people drink alcohol to forget about their problems.
Also nearly half of young children said they thought adults who drank were trying to be cool.
Life Education national director Stephen Burgesssaid the results needed to be taken seriously.
Over the raising concerns police commissioners around the country have called for the abolition of some `happy hours' and a review of liquor trading hours to address a "drink to get drunk" culture.