The proposed National Food Security Bill marks a major shift in addressing the problem of food security, Food Minister K.V. Thomas has said.

Highlighting the provisions of the Food Security Bill, Thomas said that, the proposed Act provides for about two thirds of the population to become entitled to receive subsidized food-grains under targeted public distribution system, with special focus on nutritional support to women and children.
"Elaborate provisions for grievance redressal mechanism have also been made in the Bill besides other provisions for ensuring transparency and accountability such as disclosure of records of targeted public distribution system (TPDS), social audit and vigilance committees at various levels," he said.
"The Bill is at present under consideration of the standing committee on food, consumer affairs and public distribution. The Government is awaiting the outcome of deliberations by the standing committee so that we could take further action to take the Bill forward," he added.
Reiterating the Government commitment for food security, Thomas said that ensuring adequate quantities of food at affordable prices has been a focus of planning and policy of Government of India.
"To ensure food security at the individual or household level, the Government of India implements various schemes in partnership with State Governments and Union Territory Administrations," he said.
Thomas further said: "Currently, allocations of subsidized food-grains is being made for about 6.5 crore BPL households, which includes 2.5 crore AAY households, and 11.5 crore APL households."