White bread and cancer risk links get stronger
Let those who have a craving for white bread pause to hear this. New reports show ample proof that goes to prove that excessive consumption of white bread could lead to cancer of the kidneys.
White bread is made of refined flour. Researchers have come to conclusion that use of excessive refined flour in ones diet can supply surplus of sugar to the circulation which in turn stimulates the release of insulin into the blood stream which is understood to be viable reasons for triggering of cancerous growths in ones body. Those who eat more than 5 slices of white bread a day stand more chances of developing renal carcinoma than those who restrict their intake to about one and half slices a day.Dr Francesca Bravi, from the Institute of Pharmacological Research in Milan, Italy, in her course of study has shown that a diet rich in whole grain cereals and with generous portions of vegetables can reduce the prospects of developing renal cancer among high risk groups.
Even other health experts have warned people about the hazards associated with excessive intake of white bread.