
Three Months is Ideal to Get Over a Break-up

by Julia Samuel on Jan 5 2015 12:16 PM

January, the first month of the year, is also the Breakup month! Research reports that young people get over a break up in three months.

Three Months is Ideal to Get Over a Break-up
A recent study found that after 11 weeks of breakup, the participants were able to view their relationship in a positive light.
Researchers studied 155 young adults who had experienced failure in coping their relationships recently and found that 71% of them agreed with positive statements such as “I have learned a lot about myself”, “I have grown as a person”, and “I am more goal-oriented”.

The study included an online survey of 1,404 university students between the ages of 18 and 25 who had experienced the termination of a significant relationship in the past 12 months, 'Elite Daily' reported.

The results of the study hold true to the person who had initiated their breakup or not. And, the researchers reported that the findings “indicate that growth and positive emotions may be a larger part of the relationship dissolution of experience than previously thought.”

A study last year revealed that January is the breakup month. One of the main reasons for ending a relationship in January is because people want a fresh start.

They questioned 1,881 men and women in Britain aged 18 and over, who have gone through a relationship breakup at some point in their lives.

It showed that January is the most common month for separations. A fifth of people, who have experienced a failed relationship, said that it occurred during the first month of the year.

