Current news on Medical history created when three sisters were able to make one baby
These days Medical Science seems to create strange type of histories all the time. Now for the first time three sisters have come together to produce a baby boy after one of them was left infertile after she had chemotherapy for cervical cancer.
Recently an environmental assistant from Woolwich in southeast London was declared infertile and her twin sister offered her ovum ( or egg) and their eldest sister carried the fetus in her womb to complete the pregnancy.The egg was fertilized in the lab from the patient’s husband. The infertile lady desperately wished for a baby from her husband. Her sisters came to her rescue and decided to help and the rest of the history was created by the modern methods of science.
The son named Charlie weighing 3.8 Kgs was born to give joy to the three. This unique event was covered on BBC in a programme called 'One Life - Three Sisters Make One Baby'.
The sisters had treatment at ‘Bath Assisted Conception Clinic’ in Somerset and the treatment cost was 3,000 pounds. They were told there was a 25 percent chance of success.
Despite the odds, Ritchie became pregnant during the first attempt at implanting the embryo in her womb.
The twin sister who carried the fetus said 'But I would definitely do it again if she wanted another baby. I just carried the baby for Alex and I didn't see it as giving him away.'
The twin sister who donated the egg said:’ she was overjoyed for her twin sister. The fact that we are twins means such a lot.'