Social isolation is a major symptom of schizophrenia which can be treated by a combination of early intervention services and Social Recovery Therapy.
Social Recovery Therapy involves helping severely withdrawn individuals to identify personally meaningful goals and to set up day-to-day achievable activities, can significantly increase their amount of social interaction. Sussex //psychologist Professor David Fowler, who devised the therapy with colleagues at the University of East Anglia and the University of Manchester, said: "Non-affective psychosis - or schizophrenia - affects one percent of the population, with the most at risk group being young people entering adolescence.
‘Social Recovery Therapy was aimed at helping young people suffering from schizophrenia to reconnect and engage with the world around them.’
"Services currently provided by the health service for sufferers, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and medical intervention, are effective - but only for those motivated to engage. There are many more sufferers with complex issues who are left isolated and may continue to be socially disabled across their life course." Social Recovery Therapy
The therapy, trailed on 154 patients aged between 16-35 during a two-year period, found that the most effective outcomes were for those who received both the early intervention services provided by the NHS, followed by a nine-month period of Social Recovery Therapy.
During Social Recovery Therapy, patients and therapists worked together in a three-stage programme that involved identifying goals and expectations, followed by preparing pathways to match those goals (including referral to relevant vocational agencies, education providers and community providers of social and sports activities).
The final stage of the programme required patients and therapists to focus on managing debilitating symptoms, such as negative beliefs and feelings of stigma, while engaging in new activities.