Fatter individuals carrying the thrifty genes would thus better survive times of food scarcity but it does not hold true.

‘Thrifty genes are genes which enable individuals to efficiently collect and process food to deposit fat during periods of food abundance in order to provide for periods of food shortage.’

The problem is, evolution doesn’t work like that. It’s a noisy process that produces, as one source calls it, “selection, not perfection.” For a whole variety of reasons, not every gene in our DNA is completely good for us. 

In 106 of the genes they examined, there was no evidence at all for positive selection.
Guanlin Wang and John Speakman wanted a direct test. In particular, they searched for genetic signatures of what’s called “positive selection,”—signs that nature actually favored some degree of obesity over skinnier body types—in 115 genes associated with body-mass index (BMI), the most common, albeit flawed, measure of obesity.
Drawing on data from the 1000 Genomes Project, Wang and Speakman looked at how much a gene’s individual nucleotides—the basic molecular building blocks of DNA—vary from person to person. Roughly speaking, the less variation there is in a particular gene, the more evidence there is for positive selection.
Wang and Speakman’s analysis found little reason to believe nature preferred obesity. In 106 of the genes they examined, there was no evidence at all for positive selection. Of the remaining nine, five genes showed signs of positive selection, but in the wrong direction—that is, natural selection pushed those genes toward variants that favored leaner bodies over obesity.
For the time being, however, “there is little evidence to support the thrifty gene hypothesis that obesity is the consequence of selection under famines or indeed that obesity has been positively selected for any other reason,” Wang and Speakman write.