
Tiger Woods' 'Mistress' Reveals Ambien Drug's Hidden Sexual Powers

by VR Sreeraman on Dec 15 2009 3:14 PM

The prescription drug Ambien has become popular on blogs and web forums after Tiger Woods' alleged mistress Rachel Uchitel reportedly revealed to a pal that the duo had "crazy Ambien sex."

Ambien is actually used to induce sleep, but now it is being consumed to improve sex life, as it apparently has hidden aphrodisiacal powers.

"There's been nights when we would have what I like to call "Ambien sex," the New York Daily News quoted a poster on a site called

It added; "I define it as the best sex EVER!, and sex for hours.

"It's just amazing how wonderful the sex is and then waking up to him not even remembering going to the bedroom. I personally LOVE IT."

However, experts do not believe Ambien increases sexual activity.

Ralph Tarter, the director of the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research, said: "I've never heard of it being used in that kind of context.

"It reduces arousal, rather than heightens arousal. If anyone is anticipating a romantic engagement, one would be more inclined to use a drug that doesn't put you to sleep."

