
TikTok's Fear Food Challenge: Raising Awareness or Risky Trend?

by Dr. Preethi Balasubramanian on Jun 22 2024 9:58 AM
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TikTok`s Fear Food Challenge: Raising Awareness or Risky Trend?
A new trend has emerged on TikTok called the "fear food challenge" (#fearfoodchallenge). This challenge involves individuals struggling with eating disorders selecting a feared food item at random and then consuming it on camera. While the challenge is intended to help people confront their anxieties around food, experts warn that it can be dangerous without professional support (1 Trusted Source
A dangerous TikTok food challenge is now viral

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What is the Fear Food Challenge?

The fear food challenge involves someone with an eating disorder writing down foods they fear on pieces of paper and placing them in a jar. They then blindly pick a food item and record themselves eating it. Common fear foods include high-calorie items like burgers, tacos, or chocolate bars.

The concept behind the challenge is similar to exposure therapy, a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) used to treat anxiety disorders. Exposure therapy involves confronting feared objects or situations in a safe and controlled environment. In theory, the fear food challenge could help people with eating disorders learn to manage their anxiety around certain foods.


Why Experts Are Warning Against the Challenge

However, there are several reasons why experts are warning against the fear food challenge. First, the challenge is often done without the guidance of a trained therapist. This can be dangerous, as it can lead to negative consequences such as triggering binge eating or purging behaviors.


Social Media Can Worsen Eating Disorders

Second, social media can be a negative environment for people with eating disorders. Viewers of the fear food challenge videos may leave negative comments, which could worsen the mental health of the person recording the video. Additionally, social media often focuses on appearance rather than healthy eating habits.

Despite the risks, the fear food challenge can have some positive effects. It can raise awareness about eating disorders and increase empathy for those who suffer from them. Additionally, the challenge can inspire people with eating disorders to seek professional help.

If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, there are resources available to help. You can seek guidance from a trained therapist, join a support group, or use self-help materials.

  1. A dangerous TikTok food challenge is now viral - (

