A Little of extra planning and self-care tips can keep diabetes under control during holiday season, say experts.

People should make a healthy eating contract. Before sitting down to a big meal, they should write down some goals and plan their plate like fill half of the plate with veggies, such as carrots, green beans or broccoli; Fill one-quarter with starches (carbs) such as sweet potatoes, mashed or baked potatoes, rice pilaf or quinoa and go easy on alcohol.
Instead of dozing after a big meal, plan a family game or activities that will get everyone up and moving like a walk, which will be a great way to work off calories, reconnect, and can help lower your blood sugar levels.
People should keep extra medication with them while travelling, which includes insulin, syringes, testing strips, insulin pump supplies, a first-aid kit, glucagon emergency kit, etc. They should have a prescription from their doctor for insulin or oral medication in case of an emergency.
A diabetes educator can help people plan ahead and figure out how to make it through the holidays both healthy and happy.