
To Prevent And Cure Kidney Disease, ASN Creates New Foundation

by Bidita Debnath on Nov 1 2012 10:07 PM

Kidney disease is the 8th leading cause of death in America. It is time for a cure.

 To Prevent And Cure Kidney Disease, ASN Creates New Foundation
Kidney disease is the 8th leading cause of death in America. It is time for a cure.
Fighting and curing kidney disease requires the best and brightest minds in medicine and research to apply creativity, time and expertise to this major public health concern.

The American Society of Nephrology (ASN) has announced the creation of a new foundation-the ASN Foundation for Kidney Research-to propel major research advances in the treatment of kidney patients and reach a cure for a disease that affects millions across the globe.

Created in 2012, the ASN Foundation for Kidney Research established a 5-year fundraising goal of $20 million. Already the Foundation has raised more than $14 million, reflecting the urgent need to improve kidney health worldwide.

Responding to the challenge to make an extraordinary difference in kidney care, Founding Members of the ASN Foundation for Kidney Research contributed generously to this exciting new endeavor. A lead $10 million gift from Fresenius Medical Care established the Ben J. Lipps Research Fellowship Program. "Dr. Lipps's professional achievements exemplify the ability of scientists to apply creativity and innovation to advance patient care," said ASN President Ronald J. Falk, MD, FASN.

Additional contributions from Amgen, Baxter International Inc, and ASN rounded out the early success of the Foundation, and established the following fellowships to help advance to a cure for kidney diseases worldwide.

- Five Ben J. Lipps Research Fellows, named for Fresenius Medical Care''s CEO and Chairman of the Management Board (1999 - 2012)
- One Sharon Anderson Research Fellow, named for ASN''s first female president, funded by ASN
- One Dimitrios G. Oreopoulos Research Fellow, named for one of the pioneers of peritoneal dialysis, funded by Baxter International Inc
- One George B. Rathmann Research Fellow, named for the founding CEO of Amgen and an innovator in biotechnology, funded by Amgen
- Two ASN Foundation for Kidney Research Fellows (to be named)

"These key contributions from founding members will create new frontiers of learning and achievement, and enable all of us improve the lives of kidney patients as we move closer to a cure," said Dr. Falk.










