More than 16% of school-going teenagers using tobacco and its related products are at a high risk of cancer and respiratory diseases.
In comparison to diseases related to consumption of alcohol, physical inactivity and unhealthy diet, youth in India are at a greater risk of contracting tobacco-related diseases, a 2016 edition report of the Population Reference Bureau (PRB)revealed. As per the core indicators (high - more than 16 percent, medium - 7-15 percent; and low - less than 7 percent), and usage in the past 30 days of each of cigarettes, other tobacco products and any tobacco products among 13 to 15-year-old students, Indian youth fall in the high-risk category.
‘Although all of the state level bans indicate an important success, stronger implementation and more consistent enforcement of punishments are still critically needed to reduce the use of tobacco especially among youth.’
“Although all of the state level bans indicate an important success, stronger implementation and more consistent enforcement of punishments are still critically needed. India, a country with a large and widely popular film industry, has implemented legislation to reduce tobacco imagery on screen. Strong evidence shows that depictions of tobacco use in movies and television programmes promote smoking among young people," the report stated. Similarly, for physical inactivity indicators (more than 70 percent, medium - 50-69 percent; and low - less than 50 percent, Indian youth fall in medium-risk category and interestingly, in alcohol usage (high - over 40 percent; medium -20-39 percent and low - less than 20 percent, Indian youth fall in the low-risk zone.