Vasectomy is a surgical procedure for permanent contraception in men to prevent sperm from entering into the seminal stream and prevent fertilization.

‘Vasectomy is a 10- to 15-minute procedure that most of the time, requires only local anesthetic and recovery is within a week.’

"One of the things I get all the time, questions in my clinic, are men who ask about vasectomies," he said. "They want to know what's going to happen to them." 

Here, he debunks the common myths about vasectomies.
Myth #1: Men stop ejaculating after a vasectomy.
A man's ejaculate, or semen, is made up of three organ system fluids - testicular fluid or sperm, which makes up 1 percent; fluid from seminal vesicles, paired structures that contribute the sugar and fluid component that keep sperm healthy and alive; and prostate gland fluids, which help propel the semen into the urethra. In a vasectomy, doctors disconnect the sperm tubes only.
"So 99 percent of your ejaculate that you had before the vasectomy will not be affected," Mills said.
Myth #2: Men stop making sperm after a vasectomy. Sperm are still made, but because they're not used, they get absorbed into the body and remade again later. Nothing happens to sperm production after vasectomy.
"It really is time to man up here, guys," Mills said. Tubal ligation, the permanent birth control option for women, is much more invasive. Vasectomy is a 10- to 15-minute procedure that, most of the time, requires only local anesthetic. Usually, men fully recover within a week.
Myth #5: Vasectomy is going to kill my mojo. "This is what guys are so worried about, that vasectomy is going to get rid of their testosterone, and they won't have any interest in sex anymore," Mills said.
However, the opposite is true. Vasectomy has very little to do with testosterone production. Testosterone is made in the testicles and gets secreted into the blood stream, which physicians don't alter during vasectomy. All blood vessels present before vasectomy are present afterward. What vasectomy does for most men is liberate them. They can relax and enjoy sex more without worrying about pregnancy.