
Top 6 Benefits of Consuming Multigrain Cereals

by Hannah Joy on Aug 12 2021 5:32 PM

Multigrain cereals are a rich source of protein and a variety of important nutrients, like vitamins, minerals, fiber and other healthy plant compounds. Multigrains help keep you energetic and happier, encouraging an active lifestyle.

Top 6 Benefits of Consuming Multigrain Cereals
Indians have prioritized over healthy living and healthy eating habits during Covd-19 pandemic. Also, multigrain products have witnessed a considerable rise in India. Let us look at the health benefits of multigrain cereals.
In the last //15 months, we have been forced to stay at home in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Fear and uncertainty amid the pandemic are unprecedented. Living within the four walls of our house during these difficult times can take a toll on our mental and physical health. Facing the new normal of working from home, home-schooling of children has been keeping us all very busy. Hence, it is more important than ever to look after ourselves and our mental and physical well-being.

But one thing that didn't change is mid-meal cravings that can be very notorious accompanied by a feeling of guilt. So, the need of the hour was to make sure one can snack as much as they want, without an ounce of regret or even a slight compromise on their healthy lifestyle.

2020 saw a significant increase in consumption of in-home Food items and packs leading to elevated demand. In 2021 the similar trends were identified but with the active vaccination drives in the country, people are hoping to get back to work, where the consumption out of home is also expected to rise.

Taking a cue from the rising consumer demands brands have come up with ready to eat multigrain cereals that are not only healthy and tasty but also convenient to consume. They aim to ensure that taste and convenience is not compromised and customers can consume them both in-home and out-of-home.

In India preference for multigrain products has witnessed a considerable rise. More and more consumers prioritize healthy living and eating habits, it is no surprise that multigrain products have become more desirable as it comes with several benefits such as the following:

High nutritional content than regular cereals: Multigrain cereals are a rich source of protein, which is an essential macronutrient for our well-being. Consuming foods that are rich in protein help you stay full and satisfied for longer and can have a considerable positive impact on your body in the long run. Multigrain foods deliver a variety of important nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and other healthy plant compounds.

Support healthy digestion and improves metabolism: A fiber-rich diet helps in keeping you energetic and happier, encouraging an active lifestyle. This process happens as the fiber helps the body to vacate bowels more effectively, preventing constipation and maintaining bowel health. Consumption of foods that are rich in dietary fiber also helps relieve the body of indigestion and several problems that are caused by it.

Overall health benefits: The dietary fiber from multigrain is a part of an overall healthy diet as they help in improving blood cholesterol levels.

The health benefits attached to multigrain products are many, but there are many more reasons for you to be consuming multigrain ready to eat cereals. The top 3 reasons are:

Great tasting good nutrition: Humans live to eat and eat to live, and given our lifestyle today it is important to find options that satisfy taste buds without making you feel guilty. For example, Sundrop Popz is loaded with the goodness of nutritious multi-grains. It has a tasty chocolatey cream inside and a crunchy chocolatey cereal outside, which makes for the perfect answer to the pesky hunger pangs that hit you any time of the day.

Various consumption opportunities: Ready-to-eat cereal snacks are convenient to consume. It is a quick no-cook meal that can hold off hunger for hours. Going with ready-to-eat cereal means you can prepare and eat breakfast in 10 to 15 minutes or you can consume these healthy yet delicious cereals during mid-meals.

Weight management: Multigrain cereal can help weight management because fiber produces a feeling of fullness, discouraging overeating which helps reduce intake of junk food.












