
Top 7 Summer Beauty Essentials

by Sushma Rao on May 1 2018 10:02 AM

Stepping outdoors durings summers can be unnerving and most dreadful. Here are some useful summer essentials that will help you in the hot summer days.

Top 7 Summer Beauty Essentials
It is that time of year to stock up your sheet masks to facial mist to clay pack. Protect your skin and be summer ready, recommend experts.
Komal Kapoor, Co-founder, Koko Glam, and Mini Sood Banerjee, Brand Manager Innisfree, share some tips:

  • Double cleanse:Many shy away from the idea of using an oil cleanser (step one of the double cleanse), but it helps get rid of oil-based impurities from your face. It is very important to wash your face twice.

  • Light hydration: As the summer months approach, we tend to toss our moisturizers into the bin and stop skin moisturizing altogether. This is a big no as your skin when not hydrated, secretes more sebum to compensate for low moisture levels of the skin. The key to this is using a light gel based moisturizer or an emulsion in order to keep your skin looking dewy, hydrated and healthy.

  • Sunscreen: It protects you from harmful UVA and UVB rays that result in premature aging, tanning, hyper-pigmentation, burns and also skin cancer. Apply a high SPF sunscreen every 2-3 hours, or use a cushion foundation if wearing make-up with an SPF in it.

  • Pore care with clay pack: In hot and humid weather, our skin gets more oily, in turn creating large pores, white heads and black heads. Keep the pores clean and detoxify the skin with a volcanic pore clay mask, which helps in tightening pores, and also removing tan.

  • Sheet mask: Sheet masks is the best way of delivering the essential nutrients and hydration deep within the skin. It helps in keeping the skin plump and healthy. Mask sheets made from real fruits and grains, are like cold pressed juice for the skin. Put on a sheet mask daily or just before make-up, for that dewy healthy skin.

  • Skin mist: Keep a bottle of facial mist on hand to help refresh your skin on the go. In summer, the skin gets dry and dehydrated, green tea mist can be used before and after make-up, anytime for a hydration boost on the go.

  • Hydrating serum:Before your moisturize, always put an intensive hydrating serum, following with a light cream or lotion to create moisture barrier.











