Tobacco and hypertension are the leading causes of premature mortality. Hypertension is the most widely prevalent vascular disease among the low and middle income group countries.

‘People consuming tobacco in any form are at high risk of many diseases, as nicotine is solely responsible for constricted arteries, heart failure, inflammation, many types of cancers, blindness, and gangrene, while it also complicates existing hypertension. ’

Kashyap is the former Head of Department (Cardiology), Army's Research & Referral Hospital in New Delhi. 

"Although the tobacco lobby promotes that nicotine does not cause hypertension, it affects all the organ systems. Tobacco consumption in any form be it cigarettes, chewable, and nicotine gum, causes increase in blood pressure and elevates the heart rates. Nicotine cessation can help immediately. Within 20 minutes of cessation, blood pressure returns to normal and 15 years of cessation eliminates all hazards of smoking," added Kashyap.
Hypertension is the most widely prevalent vascular disease among the low and middle income group countries.
It is also one of the biggest causes of premature deaths in the world.
Today, one in every four men and one in every five women today are suffering from hypertension.
Kashyap said persons with cardiometabolic factors face a higher risk of severe Covid-19 condition along with complications and mortality.
"To counter the threat of Covid-19, it is imperative to combat the misinformation campaigns. The studies that purportedly claim consumption of alcohol or smoking can prevent Covid-19, may be manipulated and, therefore, as a vigilant society, there needs to be a high index of suspicion around such studies, he added.
Kashyap advised that people should rely on information and guidelines from credible sources such as the WHO, US CDC, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and ICMR.
He said that there is a lot of ground that needs to be covered, which can begin with sensitising kids at the kindergarten level about the harmful effects of tobacco on our health.
Further, surrogate advertisements promoting the use of tobacco in any form should not be allowed in the vicinity of schools or other educational institutions.