A transgender activist, Kalki Subramaniam, trains her community members in documentary film-making in Chennai.

"If you look our country (India), the current scenario is that in Information and Media Technology our country is one of the fastest growing countries in the world and actually this could play a tremendous role in the empowerment of marginalised, stigmatised community like our transgender community," said Subramaniam.
A documentary, made by Kalki and seven transgender women, was recently screened at the Russian Cultural Centre in the city.
"Through this project 'Kalki', which is my dream project, I am training them (community members) as documentary filmmakers and mostly as community as journalists. So, they get a platform, they get good opportunity to tell the world not only about their stories but they can also tell the world about the issues they care for," said Subramaniam.
Kalki with its community members has filmed seven documentaries to bring changes in the society about transgenders and projecting dangers from diseases like AIDS.