The experiences of healthcare professionals, whether they are nurses or not, in interacting with transgender individuals, often occur within a work-related context.

Nurses’ Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards Transgender People and the need for Trans-Affirming Care
Go to source). According to the study, published in the journal Heliyon, nursing //healthcare professionals were significantly more likely to agree with statements like “I believe a person can never change their gender” or “I think there is something wrong with a person who says they are neither a man nor a woman” compared to other healthcare professionals and non-healthcare professionals.
Healthcare Professionals' Attitudes Toward Transgender Individuals
The study is based on a survey of 11,996 nursing healthcare professionals and 22,443 non-nursing healthcare professionals from 2020 to 2022, whose responses were compared to 177,810 responses of non-healthcare professionals. A questionnaire administered before and after the test shows that healthcare professionals are less likely to know transgender people personally and that nurses are more likely to conflate sex and gender identity.‘Nurses show heightened implicit bias toward transgender individuals may be linked to a tendency to blur the lines between sex and gender identity. ’

The questionnaire asked participants to categorise groups of people with “good” words like “nice” or “laughter” and “bad” words like “nasty” or “rotten." It also asked about the participants’ relationships with transgender people in their daily lives. While healthcare professionals -- including nurses and non-nurses -- were more likely to have met a transgender person than non-healthcare professionals, they reported that they were less likely to have a transgender friend or family member. 

- Nurses’ Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards Transgender People and the need for Trans-Affirming Care - (