Our very own famous chewing gum, now has a non-stick variant, called Rev7, which dissolves within just 24 hours.
Our very own famous chewing gum, now has a non-stick variant, called Rev7, which dissolves within just 24 hours. Rev7, which has gone on sale in the US, has the same taste and texture as normal gum, but is water-soluble and can be easily removed from clothes using soap and water. ests showed that over 50 per cent can be removed by conventional street cleaning.
Any gum washed into the drains will degrade into minerals, biodegradable products and inert materials.
It is hoped that Rev7, designed at Bristol University in spearmint and peppermint flavours, will go on sale in the UK soon.
The gum contains a special polymer, which makes it far less sticky.
"The motivation to invent the product came from seeing chewing gum on the streets in this country and in America. It's everywhere," the Telegraph quoted Prof Terry Cosgrove as saying.evolymer, a company set up by Bristol University, used a 10 million pounds grant from investors to launch the product.