
Tuberculosis Linked to Marijuana

Tuberculosis has been revealed to have a strong connection with smoking of marijuana waterpipes or as they are known, bongs by doctors in Australia.

 Tuberculosis Linked to Marijuana
Tuberculosis has been revealed to have a strong connection with the smoking of marijuana waterpipes or, as they are known, bongs by doctors in Australia.
In New South Wales, three young patients who were heavy marijuana users were diagnosed with TB, enabling doctors to come to the conclusion that both events were linked. And tests on their close associates revealed that there was a six-fold increase in the chance they had the disease in its dormant form.

The research brings to light that pulmonary tuberculosis not only affects people who are born overseas or of indigenous communities, but also young, non-indigenous Australians.

Dr Michael Hayes, from the Calvary Mater Hospital in New South Wales, says that the research could help physicians understand that a persistent cough could be, not bronchitis, as it was thought before, but pulmonary tuberculosis. 


