Users who tweeted about loneliness post significantly more often have a high association with mental well-being concerns such as anxiety, anger, insomnia, and depression.
![Tweets from Twitter Users may Help Predict Loneliness
Tweets from Twitter Users may Help Predict Loneliness](
‘Loneliness stands as a public health crisis as it has been tied to depression, heart disease, and dementia, among other conditions. ’
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By applying linguistic analytic models to tweets, the researchers found users who tweeted about loneliness post significantly more often about mental well-being concerns and things like struggles with relationships, substance use, and insomnia. Read More..
Findings from this work could lead to easier identification of users who are lonely and providing support for them even if they don't explicitly tweet about feeling alone.
"Loneliness can be a slow killer, as some of the medical problems associated with it can take decades to manifest," said the study's lead author Sharath Chandra Guntuku, Ph.D., a research scientist in Penn Medicine's Center for Digital Health. "If we are able to identify lonely individuals and intervene before the health conditions associated with the themes we found begin to unfold, we have a chance to help those much earlier in their lives. This could be very powerful and have long-lasting effects on public health."
By determining typical themes and linguistic markers posted to social media that are associated with people who are lonely, the team has uncovered some of the ingredients necessary to construct a "loneliness prediction system."
"Social media has the potential to allow researchers and clinicians to measure loneliness over time passively," said study co-author Rachelle Schneider, a research coordinator in the Center for Digital Health. "Through validating our data, we can develop a reliable and accurate tool to do this monitoring."
When the tweets were analyzed via several different linguistic analytic models, the users who posted about loneliness had an extremely high association with anger, depression, and anxiety, when compared to the "non-lonely" group. Additionally, the lonely group were significantly associated with tweeting about struggles with relationships (for example, using phrases like "want somebody" or "no one to"), substance use ("smoke," "weed," and/or "drunk") and issues with regulating their emotions ("I just wanna," "I can't," and/or the use of expletives).
Users in the group that didn't post about loneliness seemed to display some social connections, as they were found to be more likely to engage in conversations, especially by including others' user names (using "@twitter_handle") in their tweets.
The study's senior author Raina Merchant, MD, the director of the Center for Digital Health, explained that once loneliness is identified, it can be addressed in a number of ways.
"It's clear that there isn't a one-size-fits-all model," she said. "Some interventions include buddy systems, peer-to-peer networks, therapy, and skill development for navigating day-to-day interactions with others."
In the future, the researchers hope to develop a better measure of the different dimensions of loneliness that online users are feeling and expressing. Guntuku said that early work is showing that a predictive model they developed as a result of this study is accurately predicting loneliness in a patient population that opted-in to share their Twitter data and took a validated loneliness survey. The hope is to launch soon an initiative that identifies lonely patients receiving care in the hospital and then to develop interventions for them and their families/support systems.