
UK Poll Finds Widespread Belief in Contraceptive Myths

by VR Sreeraman on Sep 6 2009 12:15 PM

If you thought kebabs, Coca-cola or chocolate could be used as oral contraceptives, then think again, for a UK poll has listed the belief as one of the many myths about contraception.

If you thought kebabs, Coca-cola or chocolate could be used as oral contraceptives, then think again, for a UK poll has listed the belief as one of the many myths about contraception.

According to the survey, headed by market research company Opinion Health, sponsored by Bayer Schering Pharma, contraceptive myths may be widespread.

The survey, which quizzed 1,000 women aged 18 to 50, found that, one in five women had heard of kitchen items, including bread, cling film and even chicken skin, being used as alternative barrier methods, reports the BBC.

One in 10 women thought that it always takes a number of years to regain fertility after discontinuation of the pill while others believed that the pill could protect them against HIV.

Dr Annie Evans, Women's Health Specialist at the Bristol Sexual Health Centre, said: "It is not surprising, given that Britain continues to have the highest unintended pregnancy rate in Europe."

Professor Steve Field, Chairman of the Royal of General Practitioners, added: "This is alarming but not surprising. I've had complications with patients over the years that have concerned me.

"The more we can put appropriate information to the public about the availability of different methods of contraception, about their advantages and disadvantages, the better.

"It is important that access to advice is made as easily as possible for all ages."

