In a vital move to significantly cut down the number of unnecessary pregnancies, the public health minister, Dawn Primarolo, launched a £10 million pilot campaign today .
In a vital move to significantly cut down the number of unnecessary pregnancies, the public health minister, Dawn Primarolo, launched a £10 million pilot campaign today that signals a radical shift from the traditional pills.
The new policy encourages doctors and health workers to advise young women and teen-agers to consider injections and implants instead of ‘the Pill’, as there is substantial proof that jabs and implants are more reliable in preventing unplanned pregnancy.Sexual health campaigners contend that longer- acting methods are more reliable than pills. Young women and teen agers are therefore asked not to instantly decide on pills but seriously consider using safer methods.
They will be made more aware of the entire range of contraception methods available, in the much -anticipated national campaign.
The multi-million pound campaign encourages innovative strategies to promote contraception to bring down rates of unwanted pregnancies among men and women.
The Department of Health completely denied that the move was a drastic drive against pills.
Sexual health campaigners welcome this critical move though critics claim it as a failure on Labour’s efforts to reduce teenage pregnancies.