
Unleashing Creativity at Work: The Power of Art-Based Interventions

by Dr. Preethi Balasubramanian on Jul 27 2024 2:06 PM
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Study reveals art-based therapies can enhance employee performance, creativity, and well-being, offering a novel approach to organizational change management.

Unleashing Creativity at Work: The Power of Art-Based Interventions
A study conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has revealed the potential of art-based therapies in significantly enhancing employee performance and overall organizational culture. The research, published in the Journal of Organizational Change Management, proposes a novel approach termed "Intermodal Arts-Based Intervention" (IABI) to harness the power of creative expression in the workplace (1 Trusted Source
Arts in the Workplace? Surely You're Joking!

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Unveiling the Power of Art

The study emphasizes the importance of fostering a work environment that encourages employees to tap into their creative and expressive sides. By incorporating expressive arts techniques such as visual arts, music, movement, and theater into the workplace, organizations can unlock a wealth of benefits for their employees.

IABI is designed to equip employees with the tools to navigate organizational challenges with greater adaptability and resilience. By engaging in artistic expression, individuals can develop a more constructive approach to problem-solving and change management.

Art-based therapies provide a safe space for employees to explore and understand their emotions. This heightened emotional intelligence can lead to better communication, conflict resolution, and teamwork.

Engaging in artistic activities stimulates creativity and encourages innovative thinking. Employees who participate in IABI programs are more likely to generate fresh ideas and approaches to their work.

By promoting collaboration and shared experiences, art-based interventions can foster a more positive and supportive work culture.

How Intermodal Arts-Based Intervention Can Transform Your Workforce

The IIT Madras researchers envision IABI as a viable business model for organizations seeking to improve employee well-being and performance. By investing in art-based programs, companies can reap the rewards of a more engaged, innovative, and resilient workforce.

The study highlights the pioneering efforts of several large corporations, including Boston Consulting Group, Xerox Parc, Siemens, and IBM, which have already recognized the value of art-based therapies in achieving their business goals.

As the world of work continues to evolve, the IIT Madras study offers a compelling case for incorporating artistic expression into organizational practices. By embracing the power of creativity, businesses can unlock new possibilities for employee growth and organizational success.

  1. Arts in the Workplace? Surely You're Joking! - (










