Experts have listed down few uncommon headache triggers.
Experts have listed down few uncommon headache triggers. According to experts, the most common cause of head pain is an appointment with the hairdresser or barber. It's caused by having to hold your head back over the basin when having your hair washed, reports the Daily Mail.
Headaches could also be triggered by coughing and other types of straining - such as sneezing, blowing your nose or bending over.
Even jogging on the treadmill can cause blood vessels in the head, neck and scalp to swell, thereby producing a exertion headache' within seconds.
While ham sandwiches, which contain tyramine as well as preservatives (nitrates or nitrites,) known to increase blood flow to the brain, can send your head pounding, ponytails can also trigger the headache pathway by pulling the hair back too tight.
Among other triggers are coital headaches occasioned while climaxing during sex, and hot showers that alters the body's blood pressure due to changes in temperature.