Two young men with a handgun barged into an Ogden Shoppers Drug Mark and demanded Viagra and Cialis when the pharmacist didn’t have OxyContin, a pain-killer, their first demand.
Two young men with a handgun barged into an Ogden Shoppers Drug Mark and demanded Viagra and Cialis when the pharmacist didn’t have OxyContin, a pain-killer, their first demand.
According to the police, pharmaceutical drugs are being sold on the streets but this was one of the rare occasions when erectile dysfunction drugs were forcibly taken from a pharmacy. It has left the police baffled, although RCMP Sgt. Donna Hanson, who works in drugs and organized crime does reason that to a criminal wanting money anything would be as good as the other. Another police officer commented that when they had entered already, they became committed to take away something.
Hanson also states that Viagra is sometimes combined with Ecstasy, which provides a longer experience of heightened senses.
This illegal experimentation continues to take place, although the police have warned against taking prescription drugs without a doctor’s approval.