Office space for the average American worker is shrinking, says a new study.
Office space for the average American worker is shrinking, says a new study. According the International Facility Management Association, space for the average office worker shrank by 15 percent between 1994 and 2010.
At the same time, office space for executive managers - that coveted corner office-got bigger, reports the New York Daily News.
CNN reports that employees enjoyed on average 90 sq ft of office space in 1994 - a far cry from the 75 sq ft they have today.
Space for senior office workers, once averaging at 115 sq ft 15 years ago, had dropped down to 96 sq ft in 2010, the study showed.
Gensler, a firm in San Francisco that has renovated office space for 70 percent of the Fortune 500 companies, estimates that, on average, they have downsized cubicles from 8-by-10 to 5-by-5.
A troubled economy could be partially to blame for the downsizing as companies look to cut costs, but it's not the only factor.
Shared open spaces designed to encourage more team-friendly environments are also becoming increasingly popular, eliminating the need for personal cubes in some offices.