Severe reactions have been caused from the use of cosmetic products like hair dyes and moisturizers, according to The Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

The institute received 96 notifications of which the majority related to product types as moisturisers, cleansers, sunscreens and hair colouring products.
Face and body moisturizers generated the largest number of reported adverse effects. The adverse effects reported varied from mild symptoms that disappear a few hours or a few days after the consumer has stopped using the product to severe reactions that may persist for several weeks with symptoms such as eczema, rash, blistering, and itching.
Permanent hair dyes, while registering only seven notices, had the most severe adverse effects, mainly allergic in nature. These reports included eczema, redness, blistering, and itching of the scalp, face and throat, and swelling on the forehead or around the eyes. Many of the symptoms appeared one to two days after coloring the hair and persisted from one week to several months.
"The Register gives us a better overview of the products that cause adverse effects, the type of adverse effect and who experiences them. Then we can make an assessment and even warn against the use of certain products," said researcher Berit Granum at the Division of Environmental Medicine at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.