
Use of Cellular Phones associated with Increased risk of Brain Tumors

A recent article published by a team in Sweden suggests that there is an increased risk of brain cancer in the areas of highest exposure in patients

A recent article published by a team in Sweden suggests that there is an increased risk of brain cancer in the areas of highest exposure in patients using digital telephones (Case Control Study on Radiology work, Medical X-Ray Investigations, and Cellular Telephones as Risk Factors for Brain Tumors, Hardell, et al, May 4, 2000,

Their analysis focused on the effect of different risk factors, which have been previously documented as risk factors for brain tumors. Their results read as “An increased risk was only found for ipsilateral exposure in the anatomic area with the highest microwave dose. In a multivariate analysis including other exposures with significantly increased risk, this result was further strengthened.” How does this affect the Indian physician? It just makes the differential diagnosis of headache just a little more intricate, especially when dealing with the successful, middle-aged businessperson with a headache.
