
Use Of Electronic Cigarettes By Teens Greatly Influenced By Family And Friends

by Lakshmi Darshini on Jul 29 2015 5:52 PM

Out of 2,048 teens, 1 in 4 said that they tried e-cigarettes at some point of their lives compared with 1 in 5 who said the same about smoking tobacco.

Use Of Electronic Cigarettes By Teens Greatly Influenced By Family And Friends
Adolescents habit of vaping can be largely shaped by their peers and family members. The usage of electronic cigarettes was seen commonly among adolescents who have family and friends who consider e-cigarettes to be acceptable and trendy, researchers found.
Electronic cigarettes were first introduced in China in 2004. It allows users to inhale vapors infused with nicotine. People who use vaporizers often smoke traditional tobacco products such as cigarettes, indicates studies. The current study however suggests that adolescents taking part in vaping never consumed other forms of the drug. Totally, 41% of teens who report using electronic cigarettes say they have never tried smoking in the traditional manner.

"There is a lot of concern by the public health community that e-cigarettes may be recruiting a whole new group of people who never smoked cigarettes," said Jessica Barrington-Trimis of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

In a study conducted in southern California revealed that out of a total of 2,084 teenagers 10% had taken part in vaping in the past 30 days, compared with 6% who consumed other forms of tobacco. Around 1 in 4 said that they tried e-cigarettes at some point of their lives compared with 1 in 5 who said the same about smoking tobacco.

The research found that factors leading to increased use of either nicotine-delivery method included use by parents or friends, also a positive attitude towards smoking by people around the teens.

Fourteen percent (one in seven) of teenagers said that vaping was not dangerous to health, while only 1% stated that traditional tobacco smoking was not dangerous to health. This rate appeared to be the decision by the adolescent of whether or not to use the drug.

The health effects of vaping remains scarce. But nicotine use has shown to have a detrimental effect on the development of brain in adolescents. Researchers are advising parents to warn their teens about the risks to the brain.

Flavorings added to the liquid payload of e-cigarettes also have found to have additional health risks. However little study has been conducted on the safety of these chemical additives.

The study of psychosocial factors leading to tobacco and e-cigarette use was taken in the spring of 2014 from 2,084 teens Souther California teens in 11th and 12th grades. Analysis of factors which lead to smoking or vaping by teenagers was published in the journal Pediatrics.










