
UV Rays Affects the Power of Vision

According to the recent survey which was conducted in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata it was shocking to realize that many people are not aware of the harmful effects of ultra-violet (UV) rays. The results are that about 85% of the people in Mumbai are unaware that UV rays affect the eyes. About 73% of the people do not go in for a regular eye check-up. It is also found that people do not take any precaution to protect their eyes from dangers of UV rays.

Statistics show that about nine million people are visually impaired in India and 16 million people worldwide suffer blindness every year due to loss of transparency in the lens. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that about 20% of the cataracts may be due to the over-exposure to UV radiations. The lead author of the report, ophthalmologist Dr Neepa Thacker Dave said that UV rays can cause other problems to the eye such as tumours on the surface of the eye, photokeratitis or snow blindness, an inflammation of cornea. Hence through this report it is essential that one has to understand the dangers of UV radiation and its implications on the eye.
