Decreased levels of the peptide vasopressin in cerebrospinal fluid may be linked to reduced social ability in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Reduced social ability is a common characteristic identified in children with autism spectrum disorder. A new study explains that rhesus macaques with low sociability were found to have low levels of the peptide vasopressin in cerebrospinal fluid similar to children with autism spectrum disorder.// The study, by researchers at the California National Primate Research Center at the University of California, Davis and Stanford University, was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
‘Social impairment is common in children with autism spectrum disorder. Reduced social ability may be associated with low levels of the peptide vasopressin in cerebrospinal fluid.’
"At this point, we consider vasopressin concentrations to be a biomarker for low sociability," said John Capitanio, professor of psychology at UC Davis and a research scientist at the CNPRC.Capitanio studies the interplay between social behavior and health. Over several years, his team has assessed rhesus macaque monkeys born at the Center for sociability. The Center maintains large field corrals where the macaques live in extended large family groups with the same hierarchies and social behavior that they show in the wild.
About fifteen percent of the animals are classed as "low social": they spend less time interacting with others than most macaques. Capitanio has previously studied how this natural variation affects the course of infectious disease.
Professor Karen Parker at the Stanford Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, principal investigator on the project, is interested in why children with autism spectrum disorder have deficits in social ability.
The researchers identified "high social" and "low social" monkeys and tested their blood and cerebrospinal fluid for a number of markers previously identified as possibly playing a role in autism. The one that jumped out was vasopressin in cerebrospinal fluid, which was low in "low social" animals. Other potential markers such as oxytocin were not significantly different, they found.
In addition, the Stanford team was able to obtain cerebrospinal fluid from seven children with autism spectrum disorder who were undergoing lumbar puncture for other reasons. They found that these children also had low levels of vasopressin compared to seven other children without autism.
Parker and Capitanio plan to repeat the study with female animals and to treat "low social" animals with vasopressin to see if that changes their behavior.
The monkey studies have particular relevance to humans because they are based on natural behavior, Capitanio said. "This is naturally occurring variation, we aren't making the monkeys behave in this way," he said.