Drugs used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra, actually have a very pronounced effect in slowing the progression of heart failure.
The drug which helps in the treatment of erecrile dysfunction can also keep heart attacks at bay, said a new study. Lead scientist Andrew Trafford told the Daily Express that the findings are "incredibly exciting." The University of Manchester researchers studied 6,000 diabetic patients in Cheshire who had been given Viagra, which works by increasing blood flow, to boost a flagging sex life.
‘Viagra, the little blue pill that helps treat erectile dysfunction can also ward off heart attack risk.’
Despite diabetics being prone to heart problems, the study participants did not suffer as many incidents as similar patients not on the drug.Trafford said that the studies have shown that drugs normally used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra, actually have a very pronounced effect in slowing the progression of heart failure as well as reducing the likelihood of fatal arrhythmias.
He added that they have recently established that patients who receive Viagra or similar drugs for erectile dysfunction are also far less likely to then go on and die from a heart attack. The study will be published in the journal BMJ Heart.