
Obesity and Physical inactivity is associated with Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Cardiovascular Comorbidities

According to a study by the researchers at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center both physical inactivity and obesity was found to be strongly and independently associated with diabetes and diabetes-related comorbidities.

The association between obesity and physical inactivity with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular comorbidities has already been established.

In the present study, information pertaining to social, demographic factors and health conditions such as BMI was collected from 68,500 adults from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, which is seen as representative of the United States population. People with BMI 18.5 to <25 kg/ sq. meter were categorized as normal weight, those with 25 to 30 kg/sq. meter were categorized as overweight, those with 30 to <40 kg/ sq. meter were defined as class I and class II obese and those who were 40 kg/sq. meter and above were class III obese. Similarly physical activity was graded as moderate and vigorous physical activity.

The survey showed that those with higher BMI had greater chances of having diabetes and diabetes-related cardiovascular comorbidities. Similarly those people who were physically inactive but had normal weight had increased chances of having diabetes and diabetes-related cardiovascular comorbidities. Presence of diabetes and comorbid hypertension was more in those people who were overweight and inactive.

The study has clearly identified obesity and being physically inactive are each associated independently to diabetes and related comorbidities.

Diabetes Care. 2005 Jul;28(7):1599-603.
