
Placenta Praevia Associated With IVF Pregnancy

According to a Norwegian research it was found that Invitro Fertilization (IVF) resulted in an increase of complication during pregnancy.

According to a Norwegian research it was found that Invitro Fertilization (IVF) resulted in an increase of complication during pregnancy. According to the statistics it is found that the complication risk is about 16 in 1,000 pregnancies in women who have IFV. Placenta praevia is the common complication found associated with the IVF pregnancy. In this the placenta covers part or the entire cervix, blocking a baby's passage into the birth canal. The study analysed about 845,000 cases and published their results in the journal of Human Reproduction.

According to another research conducted by a team at St Olavs University Hospital, in Trondheim, it was found that there is a three-fold increase in the risk among mothers who had one normal pregnancy and a second one with assistance through IVF, or Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). Placenta praevia result in haemorrhages in the mother, and also increases the risk of a premature delivery. According to this research it is for the first time that placenta praevia has been directly linked to the reproductive techniques says the lead researcher Dr Liv Bente Romundstad. But still the underlying mechanism causing the placenta praevia is not clear. The researchers are asking the fertility clinics to record the position of every transferred embryo. Dr Peter Bromwich, from the Care fertility clinic in Northampton said that it is high time that they start measuring and recording the position of transferred embryos. Dr Mark Hamilton, chairman of the British Fertility Society, said that everybody who wants to go in for an IVF treatment should discuss the issue with their gynaecologist in advance.









