International artists like Ram Kumar, V S Gaitonde and Jehangir Sabavala displayed their work on ‘Visual Trajectories'.
International artists like Ram Kumar, V S Gaitonde and Jehangir Sabavala displayed their work on ‘Visual Trajectories’ in an exhibition of contemporary Indian paintings and sculptures held at Durban for a period of 3 weeks in a month.
Since having a cultural co-operation between Indian and South African Governments, an agreement was been made between the gallery like Iziko South African National Gallery (Iziko Sang) and National Gallery of Modern Art (NGMA) New Delhi.Initially the exhibition was started at Cape Town, and then moved to Durban and Pretoria.
'Visual Trajectories', which has made a revolution in the last 150 years, is full of tradition, personal ideas, and their representation put in a figure-like pictorial form. It further implies on the 19th and 20th Centuries workpiece.