
High Fiber Diet to Fight Colon Cancer

According to Dr. Alexis Carrel digestive wastes which become stagnant in our body result in Colon cancer.

According to Dr. Alexis Carrel digestive wastes which become stagnant in our body result in Colon cancer. He received the Nobel Prize in 1911 for his discovery that growing live tissue cells can be damaged if the wastes are not removed properly. When they are not removed for three days then the cells become weak and unhealthy. One should have a bowel movement every day for every meal that one eats.

Studies have shown that if you have a bowel movement every 3 - 4 days, you are more at risk for having a heart attack, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, IBS, and many other illnesses. If metabolic wastes remain in our body for over three days or longer then the condition is called constipation. This results in the development of bacteria that creates colon wall irritations and inflammation which eventually leads to colon cancer. If the situation continues then the bacteria and toxic waste tend to slip into the small intestine from where they enter in to the blood stream.

To prevent this from happening one has to increase the amount of fiber by 3 / 4 ounce. Fiber makes the stools large and facilitate in the easy and quicker movement of the waste in the colon. It also prevents carcinogens to stay in contact with the colon wall for very long. Large fiber stools brush along the colon walls keeping them clean and causing the nerves to activate peristaltic action. It gives food for the good bacteria which maintains the colon pH in a slightly acidic manner which prevents constipation.









