
Mummy’s place is at home, reveals survey

by Savitha C Muppala on Aug 31 2006 4:55 PM

Wellington: Ask a child under five, if he prefers a yummy mummy at home or a working mother, the reply is out without a bat of the eyelid; Younger kids below five years of age

Wellington: Ask a child under five, if he prefers a yummy mummy at home or a working mother, the reply is out without a bat of the eyelid; Younger kids below five years of age find moms yummier if they are at home, a survey reveals.

A survey conducted in New Zealand had shown that a measly two percent are okay with mothers getting back to work full time, despite having young children to take care of. The Massey University study revealed that 40% of the people surveyed were of the opinion that a child below the age of five goes through turmoil when his mother returns to full time work. Nearly 83% of the survey participants did not disapprove a childless married woman seeking employment.

Despite a significant portion disapproving the mothers of young kids seeking full time employment, 50% of the respondents felt it was possible to strike a secure and comfortable relationship with the children, on the same lines of a stay home mother. The survey also established that quite a chunk of the respondents felt housewives were as contented as those employed and earning.

The survey also revealed the subtle yet firm demarcations of male and female jobs, similar to the past, with household and child rearing still a woman’s domain, and jobs such as repairs, maintenance, and providing for the family, a man’s area. The survey also offered a peek into the requirements of an ideal society, soliciting more participation from men in household chores, an area the men still tread occasionally.










