
Know Thy Hangover Quotient

London – Intelligence quotient seems to hold sway on the degree of hangover one might experience, after a night of high spirits, a new research has found

London – Intelligence quotient seems to hold sway on the degree of hangover one might experience, after a night of high spirits, a new research has found. Scottish researchers delved into this arena, and studied the connection between the hangover feeling and IQ, discovering that the clever lot benefit by being hangover less as compared to the ones with a lesser IQ.

The discomfort associated with a hangover, characterized by an unbearable headache, nausea, dry mouth and sensitivity to light and sound do not trouble the clever ones, say researchers.

"The main finding of this study was that higher IQ scores at 11 years of age were associated with a reduced risk of alcohol induced hangovers in middle age," said Dr David Batty of the University of Edinburgh.

In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Batty and his colleagues analyzed the IQ test scores of 11-year-olds recorded in Aberdeen in 1962 and answers were solicited by way of questionnaires between 2000-2003,seeking responses about drinking habits. Upon analyzing nearly 7000 responses, the findings revealed that a higher IQ was linked to lesser incidence of hangover after drinking. This could also be because people with a higher IQ, comprehend the outcome of binge drinking that prevents them from going overboard.

Might make sense to check IQ before raising a toast!

