Buddies, it is time to pull up your socks and make healthy lifestyle changes. Enough has been said about obesity rates, which is growing at epidemic proportions.
Buddies, it is time to pull up your socks and make healthy lifestyle changes. Enough has been said about obesity rates, which is growing at epidemic proportions. Apart from overweight being a major risk factor for heart disease, it is also the cause of many chronic illnesses. The American Cancer Society has just enabled some alarming statistics; nearly one-third of 500,000 cancer deaths could have been prevented with adequate exercise and proper diet.
The American Cancer Society has taken it upon itself to enlighten the public about cancer prevention strategies; Physical fitness that places importance on optimum weight management, occupies pride of place on its agenda.Dr. Harvey Cohen of Duke University Medical Center, commenting on the benefits of physical exercise said “Exercise can have positive effects on the physical function as well on cognitive function." Apart from physical fitness, it is extremely crucial to adopt a healthy balanced diet that includes more fruits and vegetables. Chewing on lesser snacks and fried foods, and also limiting alcohol consumption are some of the effective strategies to cut down chronic health risks.
The society has also placed the onus of prevention strategies on communities in the area, which should provide adequate support to ensure the success of such endeavors. Finally, it is entirely in your hands to tilt the weighing scales, in your favor, lest health becomes an irrevocable compromise.